A Primer In Positive Psychology

A Primer in Positive Psychology PDF
By:Christopher Peterson
Published on 2006-07-27 by Oxford University Press

A Positive Prime “session” is a short audio-visual presentation – think of it as a vision board on steroids, created by great achievers and thinkers. May 07, 2020 A primer in positive psychology by Christopher Peterson; The how of happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky; There are many other books you can read of similar authors and on similar topics but mentioned ones are to get started. The Future of Positive Psychology. Positive psychology is more involved with life concepts.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life, from birth to death and at all stops in between. It is a newly-christened approach within psychology that takes seriously the examination of that which makes life most worth living. Everyone's life has peaks and valleys, and positive psychology does not deny the valleys. Its signature premise is more nuanced, but nonetheless important: what is good about life is as genuine as what is bad and, therefore, deserves equal attention from psychologists. Positive psychology as an explicit perspective has existed only since 1998, but enough relevant theory and research now exist to fill a textbook suitable for a semester-long college course. A Primer in Positive Psychology is thoroughly grounded in scientific research and covers major topics of concern to the field: positive experiences such as pleasure and flow; positive traits such as character strengths, values, and talents; and the social institutions that enable these subjects as well as what recent research might contribute to this knowledge. Every chapter contains exercises that illustrate positive psychology, a glossary, suggestions of articles and books for further reading, and lists of films, websites, and popular songs that embody chapter themes. A comprehensive overview of positive psychology by one of the acknowledged leaders in the field, this textbook provides students with a thorough introduction to an important area of psychology.

This Book was ranked at 40 by Google Books for keyword Books Student Life textbooks.

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A Primer In Positive Psychology Peterson

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1. Следует отметить, что я вовсе не отвожу счастью главенствующую роль во всем; я всего лишь считаю его важнейшим фактором успеха. Вопрос же о том, что в жизни главное, я переадресую философам и теологам, которые умнее меня; а также каждому читателю в отдельности

2. Diener E., Biswas-Diener R. Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth . Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, p.4

3. С эмпирическими исследованиями этих трех путей к счастью можно ознакомиться в следующей публикации: Peterson C., Park N., Seligman M.E.P. Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction: The full life versus the empty life // Journal of Happiness Studies , № 6, 2005, pp.25–41

4. Peterson C. A Primer in Positive Psychology – New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p.79

5. Fredrickson B. Positivity – New York: Crown Publishers, 2009, p.39

6. Lyubomirsky S., King L., Diener E. The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? // Psychological Bulletin , № 131, 2005, pp.803–855

7. Lyubomirsky S., King L., Diener E. The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? // Psychological Bulletin , № 131, 2005, pp.803–855 – p.834

8. Staw B., Sutton R., Pelled L. Employee positive emotion and favorable outcomes at the workplace // Organization Science , № 5, 1994, pp.51–71

9. Diener E., Nickerson C., Lucas R.E., Sandvik E. Dispositional affect and job outcomes // Social Indicators Research , pp.229–259

10. Danner D., Snowdon D., Friesen W. Positive emotions in early life and longevity: Findings from the nun study // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , № 80, 2001, pp.804–813

11. Seligman M.E.P. Authentic Happiness – New York: Free Press, 2002, p.4

12. Индекс благополучия американских граждан (Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index) за 2008 г. Источник: Associated Press (June 18, 2008). Poll: Unhappy workers take more sick days.

13. Cohen S., Doyle W.J., Turner R.B., Alper C.M., Skoner D.P. Emotional style and susceptibility to the common cold // Psychosomatic Medicine , № 65, 2003, pp.652–657

14. Fredrickson B.L. What good are positive emotions?// Review of General Psychology , № 2, 1998, pp.300–319; The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions // American Psychologist , № 56, 2001, pp.218–226

15. Fredrickson B.L, Branigan C. Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires // Cognition and Emotions , № 19, 2005, pp.313–332

16. Schmitz T.W., De Rosa E., Anderson A.K. Opposing influences of affective state valence on visual cortical encoding // Journal of Neuroscience , № 29, 2009, pp.7199–7207

17. Gallagher W. Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life – New York: Penguin, 2009, p.36

18. Master J.C., Barden R.C., Ford M.E. Affective states, expressive behavior, and learning in children // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , № 37, 1979, pp.380–390

19. Bryan T., Bryan J. Positive mood and math performance // Journal of Learning Disabilities , № 24, 1991, pp. 490–494


20. Kopelman S., Rosette A.S., Thompson L. The three faces of Eve: Strategic displays of positive, negative and neutral emotions in negotiations // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , № 99, 2006, pp.81–101

21. Estrada C.A., Isen A.M., Young M.J. Positive affect facilitates integration of information and decreases anchoring in reasoning among physicians // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes , № 72, 1997, pp.117–135

22. Fredrickson B.L., Mancuso R.A., Branigan C., Tugade M.M. The undoing effect of positive emotions // Motivation and Emotion , № 24, 2000, pp.237–258

23. Fredrickson B.L. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions // American Psychologist , № 56, 2001, pp.218–226 – p.222

24. Lyubomirsky S., Sheldon K., Schade D. Pursuing happiness: the architecture of sustainable change // Review of General Psychology , № 9, 2005, pp.111–131

25. Winter A. The science of happiness // The Sun Magazine , May 2009

26. Lyubomirsky S. The How of Happiness – New York: Penguin, 2007, p.70

27. Shapiro S.L., Schwartz G.E.R., Santerre C. Meditation and positive psychology // Snyder C.R., Lopez S.J. (Eds.) Handbook of Positive Psychology – New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp.632–645

28. От одного только предвкушения радостного смеха уровень эндорфинов повышается на 27 %, а уровень ГРЧ (гормона роста) – на 87 %. По данным Американского психологического общества // Источник: www.physorg.com/news63293074.html

29. Post S.G. Altruism, happiness and health: It’s good to be good // International Journal of Behavioral Medicine , № 12, 2005, pp.66–77; Schwartz et al. Altruistic social interest behaviors are associated with better mental health // Psychosomatic Medicine , № 65, 2003, pp.778–785

30. Lyubomirsky S. The How of Happiness . New York: Penguin, 2007, pp.127–129

31. Keller M.C., Fredrickson B.L. et al. A warm heart and a clear head: The contingent effects of mood and weather on cognition // Psychological Science , № 16, 2005, pp.724–731

32. Gerber G.L., Gross et al. The «main-streaming» of America: Violence profile № 11 // Journal of Communication , № 30, 10–29. Цит. по: Fredrickson B. Positivity – New York: Crown Publishers, 2009, p.173

33. Babyak M., Blumenthal J., Herman S., Khatri P., Doraiswamy P., Moore K., Craighead W., Baldewicz T., Krishman K. Exercise treatment for major depression: Maintenance of therapeutic benefit at ten months // Psychosomatic Medicine , № 62, 2000, pp.633–638

34. Frank R.H. Luxury Fever – New York: Princeton University Press, 2000

35. Landau E. Study: Experiences make us happier than possessions // CNN.com, February 10, 2009. Источник: www.cnn.com. Более глубокое обсуждение психологических преимуществ ощущений над материальными благами можно найти в статье: Van Boven L., Gilovich T. To do or to have? That is the question // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , № 85(6), 2003, pp.1193–1202

36. Dunn E., Aknin L.B., Norton M.I. Spending money on others promotes happiness // Science , № 319, 2008, pp.1677–1688

37. См. онлайн-анкету для выявления сильных сторон личности VIA Signature Strengths Assessment на сайте Пенсильванского университета www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter.aspx

38. Seligman M.E.P., Steen T.A., Park N., Peterson C. Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions // American Psychologist , № 60, 2005, pp.410–421

39. Loehr J., Schwartz T. The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to Performance and Personal Renewal – New Yoork: Free Press, p.65

40. Connelly J. All together now // Gallup Management Journal , № 2, 2002, pp.12–18

41. Greenberg M.H., Arakawa D. Optimistic managers and their influence on productivity and employee engagement in a technology organization (2006). Цит. по: Robinson J. The Business of positive leadership // Gallup Management Journal, May 10, 2007

42. Дополнительную информацию о том, что нас больше всего мотивирует, см. в книге Deci E.L. Why We Do What We Do – New York: Penguin, 1996

43. Kjerulf A. Happy Hour is 9 to 5 – Lulu Publishing, 2006

A Primer In Positive Psychology Pdf Download

44. Conley J. Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow – New York: Jossey-Bass, 2007

45. Barsade S.G. The ripple effect: Emotional contagion and its influence on group behavior // Administrative Science Quarterly , № 47, 2002, pp.644–675

A Primer In Positive Psychology Ebook

46. Bachman W. Nice guys finish first: A SYMLOG analysis of U.S. Naval Commands // Polley R.B. et al (Eds.) The SYMLOG Practitioner: Applications of Small Group Research – New York: Praeger, 1988. Цит. по: Goleman D. Working with Emotional Intelligence – New York: Bantam, 1998, p.188

A Primer In Positive Psychology Ebook

47. Losada M. The complex dynamics of high performance teams // Mathematical and Computer Modeling , № 30, 1999, pp.179–192; Losada M., Heaphy E. The role of positivity and connectivity in the performance of business teams: A nonlinear dynamics model // American Behavioral Scientist , № 47 (6), 2004, pp.740–765; Fredrickson B.L., Losada M. Positive affect and the complex dynamics of human flourishing // American Psychologist , № 60 (7), 2005, pp.678–686. Более подробную информацию об интереснейших исследованиях М.Лосады и его сотрудничестве с Барбарой Фредриксон см. в книге Fredrickson B. Positivity – New York: Crown Publishers, 2009, pp. 120–13848. Losada M. Work teams and the Losada Line: New results // Positive Psychology News Daily, December 9, 2008. Источник: http://positivepsychologynews.com/news/guest-author/200812091298