First, download Phantom Forces Hack from: Complete a simple survey to verify that you are human. After 1 minute, the tool will be on your computer. Run Phantom Forces Hack after you launch to game.
Phantom Forces Hack Menu
- Phantom Forces BEST CHEAT AIMBOT ESP + MORE - ROBLOX SCRIPT from Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Everytime i try to execute the aimbot, my game just stops. Aimbot + esp phantom forces free aimbot hack.mp4 working on windows, mac osx, ios and android platforms.
- Phantom forces hacks SUPER OP Aimbot, esp, silent aim. #aimbotdownload #hack #aimbot. Saved by Mignon Ibarranguelua.
- local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
- local inputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
- local WorldToViewport = workspace.CurrentCamera.WorldToViewportPoint;
- local client = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer;
- local reg = getreg or debug.getregistry;
- local isp = is_protected_closure or function() return false end
- local islclosure = islclosure or function(f) return pcall(string.dump, f) end
- for i, func in next, reg() do
- if type(func) 'function' and islclosure(func) and (not isp(func)) then
- if type(upv) 'table' and then
- end
- end
- = guv(guv(;
- api.hud = guv(guv(;
- function api.char.loadgun(self, data, ...)
- data.camkickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.aimcamkickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.aimtranskickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.transkickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.rotkickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.aimrotkickmax = BLANK_VECTOR;
- data.hipfirestability = 0;
- data.swayspeed = 0;
- data.breathspeed = 0;
- end
- local _distance = math.huge
- for _, player in next, game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers() do
- if player ~= client and player.Team ~= client.Team and player.Character ~= nil then
- local vector, visible = WorldToViewport(workspace.CurrentCamera, ffc(player.Character, 'Head').CFrame.p);
- if ffc(player.Character, 'HumanoidRootPart') and (ffc(player.Character, 'HumanoidRootPart').Position - workspace.Lobby.Spawn1.Position).magnitude > 100 then
- local position_of_head =, vector.Y)
- local center_of_screen =,
- local distance_between_points = (center_of_screen - position_of_head).magnitude
- local parts = workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPartsObscuringTarget({workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p, ffc(player.Character, 'Head').Position}, {player.Character, workspace.Ignore, client.Character, workspace.CurrentCamera})
- if (distance_between_points < _distance) and (#parts <= 0) then
- _distance = distance_between_points;
- end
- end
- end
- local window = library:CreateWindow({underline = Color3.fromRGB(30, 30, 30), text = 'Phantom Forces', barcolor = Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234), bgcolor = Color3.fromRGB(80,80,80), txtcolor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), bartextcolor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)})
- api.aimbot = a
- local targ;
- if tick() - last > 0.3 then
- last = tick();
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if targ and api.aimbot and inputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.X) then
- if targ.Character and ffc(targ.Character,'Head') then
-, ffc(targ.Character,'Head').CFrame.p).lookVector)
- end
- end)()
What’s up people. So today I want to be teaching you how to get Phantom forces hacks like Aimbot, ESP and more mods. I think it’s pretty easy to do. A lot of people always question me like, bro, how do you get your aims? So good. How do you do this? How do you do that? So first up, step number one, you’re going to need to click the Orange button (link below) and download hack. If you are wanting hack for Phantom Forces then maybe most appropriate website page for you. Phantom Forces Hacks is free of charge. Without any problems, you are going to make your game easier. Using only a few ticks on your computer mouse you’ve got all you could demand is this easy to understand.
Phantom Forces Hack Download
You’re able to get to be the supreme king of sport and thus dominate your players. These useful applications tend to make it amazingly easy to destroy a game. Download hack and become the winner of the game.
First, download Phantom Forces Hack from:
Complete a simple survey to verify that you are human. After 1 minute, the tool will be on your computer.
Run Phantom Forces Hack after you launch to game
Use the shortcut to enable disable program:
CTRL+D on/off Aimbot
CTRL+F on/off ESP
CTRL+D Wallhack
More shortcut is included in readme.txt file with a hack.
Phantom forces 15 TIPS to make you better
Phantom Forces Hack Aimbot Script Pastebin
- Moving while shooting
- Taking cover
- Using correct attachments
- Use gun according to map
- Watch your movement
- Aim Headshots
- Always keep moving
- Run faster with knife or secondary weapon
- Take the high ground
- Use headphones to better listen to sounds from around
- Play with team and switch servers
- Use grenades
- Play often
- Use our phantom forces hacks to be on the top
Phantom Forces Aimbot Tutorial
Load-out you’re going to need to take a gun that’s pretty accurate. Something such as the real laser beam to begin with. And you do need to slap a laser on that. We’re going to use a red laser, and then I need you to go to your under barrel. I slap another laser on that. We’re going to use another red laser, and then I’m going to need you to go to the optics and go ahead and slap another laser on that and throw it on the Mars side.
Three lasers show must go on
We have three lasers. This is how you do it. And if you want to get even better, the only way to do even better turtle in the flash hider. So you can’t see the flash. It’s the only accuracy at this point. And I’m going to show you guys how it’s done. So once you have all three lasers equipped and your guns looking beautiful, the next thing you need to do is find an enemy.
This is going to be a pretty hard step. You have to get up real nice and close and personal with them because although you have aimbot, we’re going to have to try this again. Alright? So like I was saying, step number three is to find an enemy and then just simply amen. And you will never miss it. It’s that easy.
So simple, right?
It’s just that simple. When you have three different lasers, you can’t lose. How are you going to miss when you have a beam on your gun that literally shows you where you’re going to shoot it? It’s so simple. Don’t you see where my lasers are pointing? As long as you follow the laser, then you’re good to go.
If you enjoy reading leave a comment below. Hope my Phantom Forces hacks working very well for you 😉